

The Telerik and Kendo UI Flex Utilities are CSS utility classes that enable you to control how a flex item grows and shrinks.

Utility ClassCSS Property
.k-flex-1flex: 1 1 0%;
.k-flex-autoflex: 1 1 auto;
.k-flex-initialflex: initial;
.k-flex-noneflex: 0 0 auto;


Use the k-flex-initial utility to set the initial value. The item will shrink to its smallest size and will not grow.


Use the k-flex-auto utility to shrink or expand the item to fit the container.

Flex 1

Use the k-flex-1 utility to expand the item to fit the container.


Use the k-flex-none utility to prevent shrinking or expanding of the item. It will keep its initial width and height.